P. Gkonis, D. I. Kaklamani, I. S. Venieris, C. T. Dervos, M. T. Chrysomallis, K. Siakavara and G. A. Kyriakou. "On the Reduction of Transmission Complexity in MIMO-WCDMA Frequency-Selective Fading Orientations via Eigenvalue Analysis", Electronics, Vol. 7 (10), 239, October, 2018.[More][Bibtex]
P. Kasnesis, C. Patrikakis and I. S. Venieris. "PerceptionNet: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Late Sensor Fusion". Intelligent Systems and Applications - Proceedings of the 2018 Intelligent Systems Conference, IntelliSys 2018. 2018. pp. 101-119.[More][Online version][Bibtex]
G. Tsivgoulis, P. Gkonis, D. I. Kaklamani, I. S. Venieris and A. G. Telonis. "Tanker Vessel Inner Spaces WLAN Development and Quality of Experience Study for Video Streaming". Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the GIIS 2018 conference.. 2018.[More][Bibtex]
Year: 2017
M. Seimeni, G. Tsivgoulis, P. Gkonis, D. I. Kaklamani, I. S. Venieris and C. A. Papavasiliou. "On the Performance Evaluation of Two Novel Fractional Frequency Reuse Approaches for OFDMA Multi-User Multi-Cellular Networks", Pulished in the Forum for Electromagnetic Research Methods and Application Technologies (FERMAT), Article 2, Vol. 21, May-Jun., 2017.[More][Online version][Bibtex]
M. Seimeni, G. Tsivgoulis, P. Gkonis, D. I. Kaklamani, I. S. Venieris and C. A. Papavasiliou. "On the Performance Evaluation of Two Novel Fractional Frequency Reuse Approaches for OFDMA Multi-User Multi-Cellular Networks", in the Proceedings of iWAT2017, pp. 88-91, Athens, Greece, 1-3 March 2017. Nominated for the Best Student Paper (Top 13).". 2017.[More][Online version][Bibtex]
T. K. Mpountas, N. X. Papadopoulos, E. A. Karagianni and D. I. Kaklamani. "Design Analysis of a low noise amplifier for navigation radars". In the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on “Experiments/Process/System Modeling/Simulation/Optimization”. 2017.[More][Bibtex]
M. Seimeni, P. Gkonis, D. I. Kaklamani, I. S. Venieris and C. A. Papavasiliou. ""Resource Management in OFDMA Heterogeneous Network", In the Proceedings of the 15th Annual Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS 2016) April 18-20, 2016, London, England, UK". 2016.[More][Bibtex]
D. Meridou, M.-E. Papadopoulou, I. S. Venieris, C. Patrikakis, P. Vrba, O. Harcuba, C. Marin, Y. Shepilov, D. Kazanskaia, N. Rodriguez and P. Leitão. "Semantics – Architectures and Tools". In Adaptive Production Planning and Scheduling: The ARUM approach based on MAS and SOA technologies. A. Schirrmann ed. Springer. 2016.[More][Bibtex]
A. Kapsalis, P. Kasnesis, P. C. Theofanopoulos, P. Gkonis, C. Lavranos, D. I. Kaklamani, I. S. Venieris and G. Kyriacou. "A Cloud Platform for Classification and Resource Management of Complex Electromagnetic Problems". In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015). 2015. pp. 388 - 393.[More][Bibtex]
A. Kapsalis, D. I. Kaklamani and D. Kazanskaia. "Living Labs: The Way to Successful Introduction of Innovations in Production Management _1", Cutter IT Journal, Vol. 28, April, 2015, pp. 15-20.[More][Bibtex]
A.-C. Anadiotis, P. Gkonis, D. I. Kaklamani and I. S. Venieris. "Bandwidth efficient relay transmission strategy for MIMO-OFDMA multicellular networks: Relay transmission in OFDMA networks". In Handbook of Research on Next Generation Mobile Communication Systems. IGI Global. 2015.[More][Bibtex]
D. Meridou, U. Inden, C.-P. Rückemann, C. Patrikakis, D. I. Kaklamani and I. S. Venieris. "Ontology-based, Multi-agent Support of Production Management". In proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2015). 2015.[More][Bibtex]