C. Katsigiannis, I. Foukarakis, D. I. Kaklamani and I. S. Venieris. "An Overview of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting for Terrestrial (DMB–T)". In Handbook of Mobile Broadcasting: DVB–H, DMB, ISDB–T and MediaFLO. B. Furht and S. Ahson eds. CRC Press. 2008. pp. 53–66.[More][Bibtex]
G. Bianchi, E. Boschi, F. Gaudino, E. A. Koutsoloukas, G. V. Lioudakis, S. Rao, F. Ricciato and C. Schmoll. "Privacy-Preserving Network Monitoring: Challenges and Solutions". Proceedings of the 17th ICT Mobile Summit. 2008.[More][Bibtex]
G. M. Kapitsaki, D. A. Kateros, G. V. Lioudakis and I. S. Venieris. "Extending Reusable Asset Specification to Describe Simple Mobile Services". Proceedings of the 17th ICT Mobile Summit. 2008.[More][Bibtex]
S. Rao, G. Bianchi, I. Gojmerac and G. V. Lioudakis. "Privacy-Aware Secure Monitoring". Proceedings of the Poster and Demonstration Paper Track of the 1st Future Internet Symposium (FIS 2008). 2008. pp. 20-23.[More][Online version][Bibtex]
G. V. Lioudakis, E. A. Koutsoloukas, N. Dellas, G. M. Kapitsaki, D. I. Kaklamani and I. S. Venieris. "A Semantic Framework for Privacy-Aware Access Control". Proceedings of the 2008 International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 3rd International Workshop on Secure Information Systems (SIS 2008). M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki and T. Pełech-Pilichowski eds. 2008. pp. 813 - 820.[More][Online version][Bibtex]
A. Menychtas, T. Athanaileas, D. Dionysiou, G. Stamatakos, D. I. Kaklamani, T. Varvarigou and N. Uzunoglu. "Development and Adaptation of an In Silico Oncology Application in Grid Environment". 1st HellasGrid User Forum. 2008. pp. 32-33.[More][Bibtex]
A. Menychtas, T. Athanaileas, D. Dionysiou, G. Stamatakos, D. I. Kaklamani, T. Varvarigou and N. Uzunoglu. "Development and Adaptation of a Web Enabled In Silico Oncology Application in Grid Environment". Book of Abstracts of the 3rd EGEE User Forum. 2008. pp. p. 20.[More][Bibtex]
I. Foukarakis, V. Atlamazoglou, T. Thireou, N. Tselikas, N. Papandreou, D. I. Kaklamani and E. Eliopoulos. "“Grid Enabled Simulation of 3D Folding of Proteins by Predicting Critical Amino Acid Positions". 1st HellasGrid User Forum. 2008. pp. 30–31.[More][Bibtex]
D. Tsilimantos, G. Tsoulos and D. I. Kaklamani. "Particle Swarm Optimization for UMTS WCDMA Network Planning". CD–Rom Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC08). 2008. pp. 283–287.[More][Bibtex]
I. Stiakogiannakis, D. Zarbouti, G. Tsoulos and D. I. Kaklamani. "Subcarrier Allocation Algorithms for multicellular OFDMA networks without Channel State Information". Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC08),. 2008. pp. 73-77.[More][Bibtex]
D. Zarbouti, I. Stiakogiannakis, G. Tsoulos, G. Athanasiadou and D. I. Kaklamani. "Performance Evaluation of OFDMA Techniques in Multicellular Networks". Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Annual International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2008). 2008. pp. 1-5.[More][Bibtex]
Year: 2007
N. Tsitsas, N. Uzunoglu and D. I. Kaklamani. "Diffraction of Plane Waves Incident on a Grated Dielectric Slab: An Entire Domain Integral Equation Analysis", RADIO SCIENCE, Vol. 42, November, 2007.[More][Bibtex]
P. Gkonis, G. Tsoulos and D. I. Kaklamani. "Performance evaluation of an adaptive sectorization strategy for WCDMA cellular networks with hotspot areas". Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Wireless Technology (ECWT 2007). 2007. pp. 86-89.[More][Online version][Bibtex]
P. Gkonis, G. Tsoulos and D. I. Kaklamani. "An adaptive admission control strategy for WCDMA multicellular networks with non-uniform traffic". CD-Rom Proceedings of the IEEE 66th Vehicular Technical Conference (VTC 2007). 2007. pp. 989-993.[More][Online version][Bibtex]
G. Kapitsaki, D. Kateros, I. Foukarakis, G. N. Prezerakos, D. I. Kaklamani and I. S. Venieris. "Service composition: State of the art and future challenges". In proceedings of the 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit. 2007.[More][Bibtex]
E. Nikolouzou, P. Sampatakos, E. Kosmatos, S. Maniatis and I. S. Venieris. "Constraint-based Media Content Delivery over Heterogeneous Networks and Devices", International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Vol. 2, July, 2007, pp. 224-234.[More][Bibtex]
P. Gkonis, G. Tsoulos and D. I. Kaklamani. "Performance evaluation of a beam-centric adaptive admission control for WCDMA cellular networks with smart antennas". CD-Rom Proceedings of the 16th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit. 2007. pp. 1-5.[More][Online version][Bibtex]
D. Kateros, P. G. Georgallis, C. Katsigiannis, G. N. Prezerakos and I. S. Venieris. "“An Algorithm for the Frequency Assignment Problem in the Case of DVB-T Allotments". Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations (LSSC ‘07). 2007.[More][Bibtex]
T. Orphanoudakis, H. -. Leligou, E. Kosmatos, J. D. Angelopoulos, K. Kanonakis, G. N. Prezerakos and I. S. Venieris. "Efficient resource allocation with service guarantees in passive optical networks", Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 6, June, 2007, pp. 884-896.[More][Bibtex]
G. Leoleis and I. S. Venieris. "Fast MIPv6 extensions supporting seamless multicast handovers", Computer Networks, Vol. 51, June, 2007, pp. 2379-2396.[More][Bibtex]
T. E. Athanaileas, K. A. Papadopoulos and D. I. Kaklamani. "A Multi-Agent Distributed Platform for Particle Swarm Optimization". Proceedings of the International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA 07). 2007. pp. 190-194.[More][Bibtex]
K. A. Papadopoulos, C. A. Papagianni, D. I. Kaklamani and I. S. Venieris. "Analysis and Comparison of Population-based Stochastic Optimization Algorithms in the Design of Beam Antenna Arrays". Proceedings of the International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA 07). 2007. pp. 293-297.[More][Bibtex]
T. Athanaileas, D. Dionysiou, G. Stamatakos, N. Mouravliansky, D. I. Kaklamani and N. Uzunoglu. "Applying Grid Technologies to In Silico Oncology". 20th Open Grid Forum, Enabling Grids for E–Science(OGF20/EGEE). 2007. pp. 76.[More][Bibtex]
N. L. Tsitsas, E. G. Alivizatos, D. I. Kaklamani and H. T. Anastassiu. "Optimization of the Method of Auxiliary Sources (MAS) for Oblique Incidence Scattering by an Infinite Dielectric Cylinder", Electrical Engineering (Archiv fur Elektrotechnik), Vol. 89, May, 2007, pp. 353–361.[More][Bibtex]