I. S. Venieris, J. D. Angelopoulos and G. I. Stassinopoulos. "DQDB MAN as a Transit Network for ATM CPNs". Proceedings of ΙΕΕΕ ΙΝFOCOM '92. 1992.[More][Bibtex]
G. I. Stassinopoulos and I. S. Venieris. "ATM Adaptation Layer Protocols for Signalling", Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 23, January, 1992, pp. 287-304.[More][Bibtex]
D. I. Kaklamani and N. K. Uzunoglu. "Radiation of a Dipole in an Infinite Triaxial Anisotropic Medium", Electromagnetics, Vol. 12. 1992, pp. 231–245.[More][Bibtex]
D. I. Kaklamani, C. N. Capsalis and N. K. Uzunoglu. "Radiation from a Monopole Antenna Covered by a Finite Height Dielectric Cylinder", Electromagnetics, Vol. 12. 1992, pp. 185-216.[More][Bibtex]
Year: 1991
G. I. Stassinopoulos, I. S. Venieris, A. Bricca and R. Carli. "Bridged LAN Interconnection through ATM". Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference on European Fiber Optic Communications and Local Area Networks (EFOC/LAN '91). 1991.[More][Bibtex]
G. I. Stassinopoulos, H. G. Diavolitis and I. S. Venieris. "Real Time Testing of Adaptation Layer in IBCNs". Proceedings of IEEE MELECOΝ '91. 1991.[More][Bibtex]
E. Sykas, I. S. Venieris, K. Vlakos and E. N. Protonotarios. "Link Capacity Allocation in ATM Broadband Communication Networks". Proceedings of IEEE MELECOΝ '91. 1991.[More][Bibtex]
E. D. Sykas, K. M. Vlakos, I. S. Venieris and E. N. Protonotarios. "Simulative Analysis of Optimal Resource Allocation and Routing in IBCNs", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 9, April, 1991, pp. 486-492.[More][Bibtex]
R. Carli and I. S. Venieris. "ATM Adaptation Layer Protocol at B-ISDN User-Network Interface". In Integrated Broadband Communications: Views from RACE, Vol. 16. M. Bonatti, F. Casali and G. Popple eds. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Netherlands. 1991. pp. 255-262.[More][Bibtex]
Year: 1990
G. I. Stassinopoulos, I. S. Venieris, K. P. Petropoulos and E. N. Protonotarios. "Performance Evaluation of Adaptation functions in the ATM Environment". Proceedings of the7th International Teletraffic Congress Seminar (ITC). 1990.[More][Bibtex]
G. I. Stassinopoulos, I. S. Venieris and R. Carli. "ATM Adaptation Layer Protocols and IEEE LAN Interconnection". Proceedings of the IEEE 15th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN ‘90). 1990.[More][Bibtex]
G. I. Stassinopoulos, H. Diavolitsis and I. S. Venieris. "Μodelling Concepts and Network Analysis Tools for Future IBC Networks". Proceedings of BILCON '90. 1990.[More][Bibtex]
G. I. Stassinopoulos, I. S. Venieris and H. Diavolitsis. "The ATM Adaptation Layer Concept in future Integrated Networks,". Proceedings of BILCON '90. 1990.[More][Bibtex]
Year: 1989
G. I. Stassinopoulos and I. S. Venieris. "Αn Adaptation Layer Protocol Model for Signalling Packet Mode Connection Oriented Service and Connectionless Service". Proceedings of 3rd RACE 1022 Workshop. 1989.[More][Bibtex]
N. K. Uzunoglou and D. I. Kaklamani. "Analysis of the RF Energy Coupling into a Tissue Medium through a Spherical Ferrite Implant", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 3. 1989, pp. 711-723.[More][Bibtex]