@conference{iWAT2017, author = "Seimeni, Maria and Tsivgoulis, Georgios and Gkonis, Panagiotis and Kaklamani, Dimitra I. and Venieris, Iakovos S. and Ch. A. Papavasiliou", keywords = "OFDMA; Resource Allocation Management; Fractional Frequency Reuse; Inter-Cell Interference Cordination", organization = "in the Proceedings of the 2017 International Workshop on Antenna Technology: Small Antennas, Innovative Structures, and Applications (iWAT)", publisher = "IEEE", title = "{O}n the {P}erformance {E}valuation of {T}wo {N}ovel {F}ractional {F}requency {R}euse {A}pproaches for {OFDMA} {M}ulti-{U}ser {M}ulti-{C}ellular {N}etworks", in the {P}roceedings of i{WAT}2017, pp. 88-91, {A}thens, {G}reece, 1-3 {M}arch 2017. {N}ominated for the {B}est {S}tudent {P}aper ({T}op 13).", url = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7915325/", year = "2017", }